Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Color Run

Before the run. Look how white we all were.

After the run (walk). We were a fun mess!

Have you heard of the Color Run? Well, it's the newest 5K run out there. We just did it in Ypsilinti, Michigan last weekend . It was on the campus of Eastern Michigan near Ann Arbor. Anyway, it's a 5K run with the proceeds going to the local food pantries and homeless shelters. The proceeds go to different causes in each city. Chicago had one in June and the proceeds went to the new Laurie Children's Hospital. So the money is put to good use. This is how it works. Everyone (15,000 people) starts off in their cleanest white clothes. As you run along the volunteers spray you with a colorful powder at certain points. Sounds silly but it was a blast. By the time you are fininshed you looked like a rainbow of colors. Some of us got colored more than others. The goal was to get as colorful as you can. The powder washes right off and can't hurt in any way. It really was a great day. If you are interested in it they do these runs all over the country but you need to sign up on line immediately because they fill up within minutes of open registration. That is why we did it in Michigan. We missed the Chicago sign up.

We did the walk with some of my nephews and nieces and my daughter and her friends as well as my brother and his wife. I you look closely in the last picture you can see the powder clouds in the background .We are looking forward to doing this again next year.

Now off to do some much needed school work. I haven't touched anything for school this summer and I know it's coming fast. Today I am determined to recover my little seats I made from milkcrates for last school year. I'm don't know about you but mine got really dirty throughout the year. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

At the Lake

What a beautiful day on Lake Michigan!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just Fun Pics!

So, our 4th of July village fireworks show was, once again, a blast (no pun intended). My daughter made these shirts after she saw them on Pinterest. They turned out so cute. My son thought he was funny by wearing the sample shirt and of course he wouldn't be seen in public with it on. In my opinion, he looked kind of cute with it on. He had it on long enough for a few pictures and then he was out of here. Even Bruno, our dog, was ready for the show. I will say it was HOT! 100 degrees here in Chicago is unusual and we had several days in a row in the low 100's. I'm not a heat person so I felt like I was a prisoner in my own house in the middle of summer. That usually happens in the middle of January around here. By the way, has anyone been to Costco lately? They have a laminator with 100 sheets of film for only $20. That's cheaper than buying a package of refills from Target. Needless to say I had to purchase 2 of them (I already have one). One for school and one for my daughter who goes away to school. If you don't have a laminator you should really get one. It's a lifesaver when you are at home and really need it. Now I'm off to my pinning! Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Shout Out!!

A shout out goes to Traci over at Dragonflies in 1st for helping me with my header. I so appreciate it. On to the 4th of July. Our town is having their 4th of July parade and fireworks tomorrow, the 3rd. The good thing is the fireworks are set off right across the street from my house, so we have a ton of people sitting on our lawn watching. It's so much fun and we love the front row seats. The bad thing is that it is supposed to be 98 degrees tomorrow and I don't do heat well. So I'm not sure I am looking forward to it or not. (I'm tending towards not ). Anyway, I hope everyone has a great 4th and stay cool!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Help Wanted!

I'm really hoping that someone out there can help me. I just can't seem to get my blog name in the hearder. I have been working on this for several hours and am ready to give up. I thought maybe someone would know and will be able to help me. So if I don't have a name on this blog for a few days it's because I am working on it. I know eventually I'll get it.
Thanks for any help I can get.