Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Since it's been such a crazy week around school why not throw ugly sweater day in the mix! All the teachers in our school wore some really ugly sweaters and didn't tell the kids we were going to do it. The kids loved it. Especially the upper grades. We even had the student council walk around and vote on the ugliest one.

 This was the ugliest sweater voted by the student council kids. The back of it made it. It was hideous!
Here are our Christmas gifts to the parents peaking out of their bags. The snowman idea came from Reagan Tunstall over at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits. They are way too cute! I then gave the kids scraps of scrapbook paper and they cut it apart to make the trees. Since everyone was here today and several firsties tend to take the last day off  before break (I have no idea why) we sent the bags and all their projects home today. Now, one more day of craziness and then the break begins. I can already feel a movie coming on for tomorrow. So, if you are still in for one more day have a great day and if you are already off have a GREAT day!!

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