Friday, October 28, 2011

Spider Season

I saw this great spider project on Reagan Tunstall's blog and just had to do it with my kids. They loved reading, hearing and learning about spiders (the boys more than the girls). After a few days of spider lessons they kids wrote out the facts they learned and drew their own spiderwebs. They turned out really cute. This was a good writing assignment for them. We've been working on writing sentences so this was perfect.
Well, the big day is fast upon us. Don't you just love the fact that Halloween is Monday this year! What a way to start the week. Our school starts out with a parade around the block for the parents to see us. We then go into the gym to have our own parade around. Each class walks around so the other classes can see everyone. After that we have to have our parties right away. Unbelievable! We all would much rather have them in the afternoon and send the kiddies on their way home. Now we have to deal with them and their excitement all day. I think it may be a movie kind of day. Anyway, I hope everyone has a fun day and enjoy!!

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