Saturday, March 16, 2013

We've been busy in First Grade

Here are a few projects we've done in our class. You may recognize them from other blogs and I am so thankful for all the sharing they do. My class has a blast doing all these projects. I do have a few more projects to post but they have the kids pictures on them and I'm not sure how to blurr out their pictures. If anyone knows of a website that blurrs out pics (since picnik is gone) please let me know so I can post more projects. 
How many of you have a birthday week and not just a birthday day? Well, my daughter turned 21 this week and the celebrating hasn't ended. Thank God she goes back to school tomorrow so I can get some rest. We did have a great time celebrating but enough is enough (for this old lady) She came in to my class on her birthday and the kids even sang to her. It was a hoot!

Now, on a sad note. It has been an unbelievable sad and difficult week at school this past week. Our dear Pastor of our parish suddenly passed away. He was only 61. School was canceled yesterday because the wake was right in our church which is attached to our school and right outside our classroom. I have never gone to a wake or funeral for a priest until now. It was amazing. The line just to get in the church to pay respects was throughout the church, out the door and down the block. Unbelievable. During the mass there were 45 priests in attendance including 2 bishops. It was truly a beautiful mass and a beautiful farewell. Fr. Pat was a well loved and respected man and will be dearly missed.
Working in a private school may not make me rich by any means but it sure does have other advantages. When this happened everyone went into action and really pitched in. It was amazing how the students were reverent throughout the week. The parents were incredible with all the help they offered (pitching in to help clean the building, set up a room for the family to take a break during the wake, and hosting a reception for anyone after the funeral mass.)  Fr. Pat would be proud to see his church and school come together so quickly and effortlessly. We have a week and a half  before springbreak and it will be well deserving and needed. Like I said, I won't become rich working in a private school but I wouldn't have it any other way!

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