Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help Wanted!

I need some help.  As I was blogging the other day I came across a teacher's blog who posted the cutest back to school poem that had a small bag of glitter attached to it. You are to give it to the kids the day or so before school starts and it's to help them not be nervous about going to school on the first day. It was so cute. Well, I can't find which blog it was and really would like to find it. You see, at my school our first graders are welcome to come the day before school starts, bring their supplies, find their desks and meet their teacher. It really is nice thing to do. It makes the first day run a little smoother. So if anyone knows which blog it's on I'd appreciate it. Thanks for your help!


Renee S. said...


Stephanie said...

Hey Sharon,
Thanks for stopping by my little ole blog. I came over to scope you out and realized I might have what you're looking for. My magic confetti post is found here:

Hope that helps.

Sharon said...

Thanks, Renee and Stephanie, for helping me out. I am definitely going to use this cute poem and glitter. I knew my fellow teachers could help me out.